Investing in Yourself: Overcoming Low Self-Confidence on the Audition Circuit

Hey, fellow musicians on the audition circuit! I know it can be tough out there, with all the pressure and competition.

It's easy to feel like you don’t deserve to take that audition, buy that instrument, or sign up for that coaching. I can recall at least a half-dozen auditions I almost didn’t take just because the airfare was more money than I had made all month freelancing!

But at some point, if you want to succeed, you can’t let fear hold you back - take a chance on yourself and trust in your abilities.

Here are five tips for overcoming low self-confidence and investing in yourself:

Practice and Preparation

I know, I know, practicing is not always the most fun thing to do. But trust me, the more time and effort you put into the practice room, the more confident you will become. Make sure you're dedicating focused, goal-oriented time to practicing your instrument and having a strategic plan for preparing your audition. Seek out constructive feedback from coaches and peers, and use it to improve your skills. The more prepared you feel, the more confident you will be.

Surround Yourself with Supportive People

It's important to have people around you who believe in you and your abilities. Find a community of musicians who you can practice and perform with. Find a practice buddy. Seek out coaches who can offer guidance and support. Having a supportive network can help build your confidence and encourage you to take risks.

Shift Your Mindset

While it’s important to be honest about your weaknesses (it’s the “Honesty Pill” Blog after all!), remember to also focus on your strengths. Recognize your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Celebrate your progress, and acknowledge the hard work you have put in. Cultivate a positive mindset that focuses on growth and improvement. Maybe even post a “win of the week” on your social media every Friday!

Remember That Auditions Are Subjective

Auditions can be tough, but remember that the outcome is not always within your control, and it's not a reflection of your worth as a musician. Even if you don't advance, it doesn't mean that you're not talented. Use the experience as a learning opportunity, and keep working towards your goals. What went well? What will you let go of that’s not serving you? If you walk away with a puzzle piece, every audition can be a win.

Believe in Yourself

Investing in yourself requires a solid belief in yourself. And I mean, a REAL belief. Recognize your worth and potential. Take that leap of faith and invest in yourself. You are worth it. Keep pushing yourself, and remember that you are capable of great things.

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!

So to sum up, struggling with low self-confidence is a common challenge among musicians on the audition circuit, but by implementing the these strategies, you can overcome it and achieve your goals.

Remember to keep pushing yourself and have faith in your abilities - you've got this!


Chris @ Honesty Pill



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