Honesty Pill Coaching presents:

“How to Improve Your Rhythm and Time”

A free workshop featuring

Matthew Howard, Principal Percussion of the Los Angeles Philharmonic

Dec. 5 at 10am PST/1pm EST

What is the most critical skill you can develop as a musician? Time.

“But I thought playing musically the most important thing?”

Remember, that an audition committee is hearing a lot of people, one after the other.

If you’re playing wrong rhythms with bad time, it doesn’t matter if you’re musical.

Tone, musicality, interpretation…these are all subjective. Rhythm isn’t. If you have bad time, you’re going nowhere.

Want to learn how to develop or teach this skill? Keep reading…

Sound familiar?

  • You took yet another audition and didn’t advance

  • Your teacher keeps mentioning your poor time and rhythm

  • You thought you played note perfect, but still didn’t win

If you are like 90% of the musicians we hear at auditions, there’s one thing that’s holding you back…your time.

Meet the Speakers

  • Matt Howard

    Principal Percussion, LA Phil, Master Educator and Clinician

  • Christopher Still, trumpet LA Phil standing with trumpet at Disney Hall

    Christopher Still

    Trumpet player, LA Phil, Founder and Coach at Honesty Pill

  • Amanda McIntosh smiling wearing a black shirt

    Amanda McIntosh

    Moderator, Entrepreneur, Clarinetist, and Coach at Honesty Pill

Why is this SO hard to figure out?

Time is not only difficult to learn, it’s really hard to teach!

In this two-hour intensive, our goal is to show you some impactful ways you can not only improve your own time, but help your students figure it out, too.

“I just gotta have more cowbell!”

Most musicians have no idea how to use a metronome correctly, even though they’ve used it for years.

Even having more cowbell wouldn't solve your problem. You've got to learn how to recognize when your time is off, and then do something about it.

Register right now if this is for you.

*Seating will be limited to ensure we have time for all of your questions.