Ep. 41: Cami McLaren

Productivity, Mindset, and Overcoming Roadblocks with Cami McLaren


In this insightful episode, we explore strategies for productivity, mindset shifts, and overcoming roadblocks with our guest Cami McLaren, founder of McLaren Coaching. Cami shares her unique perspective as a former lawyer who transitioned into coaching musicians and professionals from various fields. Get ready to dive into practical tips, thought-provoking discussions, and personal insights that will empower you to unlock your full potential.

**Key Discussion Points:**

- **Mindset Matters**

- Importance of beliefs in achieving goals

- Overcoming self-limiting beliefs and assumptions

- Discussing "The Art of Possibility" by Ben Zander

- **Productivity Tips**

- Effective to-do list management and prioritization

- Multitasking vs. being present and focused

- Taking ownership and accountability

- **Coaching for Growth**

- Distinctions between coaching and teaching

- Power of asking open-ended questions

- Becoming aware of unconscious patterns

- **Building a Successful Business**

- Mindset around making money as a musician/creative

- Appreciating your worth and value-based pricing

- Cami's "GameChanger" workshops

- **Overcoming Roadblocks**

- Cami's personal journey transitioning from law to coaching

- Redefining identity and following your passion

- The Passion Planner tool for aligning goals


Cami McLaren's insights offer a fresh perspective on productivity, mindset, and overcoming obstacles. Whether you're a musician, entrepreneur, or simply seeking personal growth, this episode provides valuable tools and strategies to help you thrive in your pursuits.

**Connect with Cami McLaren:**

- Visit (https://mclarencoaching.com)

- Follow Cami on social media @mclaren_coaching

**Additional Resources:**

- Learn more about Cami's GameChanger workshops here


- Explore the Passion Planner for goal alignment and productivity

**Stay Connected with Us:**

- Subscribe to the Honesty Pill Podcast for more inspiring episodes

- Follow us on social media for updates and exclusive content

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Sponsor Message: This episode is brought to you by the Yamaha Corporation of America.

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Ep. 42: Nikki Abissi


Ep. 40: Emmanuel Ceysson